Da Blog #1

Ciao Paesans! Social media was driving me a little crazy and I felt like I couldn’t share all the cool stuff I am finding with my pals in spaghetti land. So, enter the website and blog. Stop by as I do show-and-tells on music, toys, RPGs, books, and all sorts of other cool stuff. Let me know what you want to see and we can high five each other. Joey loves ya!

7 thoughts on “Da Blog #1”

  1. Great idea, Joey! I like your stuff on socials but I like the idea of going back to long-form blogs even more to get a better idea of both your influences and upcoming projects

  2. This is fantastic! good you for you Joey. I find Social Media to be deadly these days. Enjoying Bluesky but only use Facebook now for Family and DCC Rocks 😉

  3. Excited to see what this brings for us! I don’t have any specific requests, as the products have been zany and surprising!

  4. You guys are awesome! Thanks for jumping on board. I have a feeling I will be able to share a lot more with friends on here than I can on the other platforms.

  5. Very glad to jump on board. I’m on social media less and less as the days go by, but still need some camaraderie with like-minded individuals. Sparsely on FB, visit DungeonCrawlers (Discord) almost daily, and of course every day on BGG/RPGGeek.

  6. Yo Joey, I think you got the right idea. This social schmedia ‘ting is just a load of space kabloohey if you ask me. It’s wicked awesome yer kickin’ it old school and bloggin’ my man!

    We should all join in.

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